Just add the given code below and replace & customize the data as per your requirements.<script>var url = 'https://wati-integration-service.clare.ai/ShopifyWidget/shopifyWidget.js?16269';var s = document.createElement(...
To install CyberPanel on an AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance, you will need to follow these steps:
1. First, make sure that you have an AWS account and have launched an EC2 Ubuntu instance.
2. Connect to your EC2 instan...
To increase the size of your AWS EC2 instance from t2.micro to t2.small, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the EC2 dashboard.
2. In the left-hand menu, click "Instances...
Difference between Git & Github?
Git and GitHub are related but distinct technologies. Here are some key differences between the two:
Basics of Git. Basic Commands & how to use it?
Git is a distributed version control system that is used to track changes to files and manage projects. It allows developers to collaborate on projec...
Basics of Github. Basic Commands & how to use it?
GitHub is a web-based platform that is built on top of Git, a version control system. It provides additional features and tools that make it easie...
What is aws? Most important services of AWS & their works?
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform that provides a range of services, including computing, storage, networking...
How to install Linux server using EC2?
To install a Linux server using Amazon EC2, you will need to do the following:
Sign u...
What is CDN? Top Five CDNs.
Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed network of servers that are used to deliver web content to users based on their geographic location. CDN servers are located...
How to use cloudflare? How to add a website to cloudflare with free plan?
To use Cloudflare, you will need to do the following:
What is domain mapping? How to map a domain name of Godaddy & hosting of AWS mapped using cloudflare?
Domain mapping is the process of associating a domain name with a website or web-based applica...
Things every full-stack developer know.
Here are some tools and topics that every full stack developer should be familiar with:
Programming languag...
Difference between frontend developer, backend developer & full-stack developer
Frontend developers are responsible for the design and development of the user interface (UI) of a website or...
Roadmap for frontend developer.
Here is a roadmap for frontend developers:
Learn HTML: The first step for aspiring fr...
Roadmap for backend developer.
Here is a roadmap for backend developers:
Learn a programming language: The first...
Roadmap for full-stack developer.
Here is a roadmap for backend developers:
Learn a programming language: The fi...
How to start with MySQL?
MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is used to store and retrieve data for web applications. It is a powerful and flexible d...
Login to your AWS account
Go to EC2 & select the instance
Connect Instance via SSH
Login as root
Simply type: adminPass 'Desireable Password'
Admin password will be successfully ch...
There are three methods to fix WordPress Error 'Is its parent directory writable by the server'Method 1 – Editing wp-config.php file...
To create a localhost environment, you will typically need the following:
Web server software, such as Apache or Nginx
PHP runtime environment, if you're using a PHP-based web app
Database software, such as MySQL or ...
How to Install cPanel & WHM on AWS EC2 Instance?
Steps to install cPanel and WHM
Go to AWS marketplace
Search for Cpanel & WHM and subscribe to it
Step 1 - Preparations
How to export/import a MySQL database via SSH?
Make sure that you replace the following variables in the comma...