Employee referral policy


The Employee Referral Bonus Program will provide an incentive award to a current employee who brings new talent to the company by referring applicants who are selected and successfully employed.

Applicant - Applicants are candidates not currently employed with Liveupx Private Limited.

Referred applicants cannot be current employees of Liveupx Private Limited in any capacity, to include temporary, time-limited project or contract employees.

Referring Employee - All employees in regular full-time or part-time positions are eligible to receive a referral bonus with the exception of:

  • Senior level management personnel
  • Employees whose regular job includes the recruitment of employees or who are members of the HR Department
  • Selecting manager/supervisor or other persons associated with the selection of the candidate

Referral Bonus Amount – A referral bonus will be paid to any employee who refers an applicant who is selected and successfully employed in a position. The referring employee must be employed on the day their referral achieves 90 days employment. Payment of the Referral

Bonus will be applied to the next pay period. All bonuses paid under this program are subject to tax withholding. Bonuses are paid if the prospect is hired within 9 months from the referral date.

Referral bonus will be for hourly positions and for salaried positions (subject to tax withholdings)

Referral Process – To qualify for the referral amount, the Employee must fill out a referral form located on our website under Careers and turn it into the Human Resources Department. The referral must be submitted prior to any other receipt of the resume to Human Resources.

Referral Bonus Eligibility Criteria - Employees are reminded that Liveupx Private Limited does not hire spouses or close relatives for any position that would involve a supervisor-subordinate relationship or otherwise create the appearance of a conflict of interest. No referral bonuses are paid for referrals of candidates who are retirees, rehires, or persons returning from a leave of absence. To be eligible for the referral-bonus payments described above, both employees must be in good standing with Liveupx Private Limited. Additionally, to avoid possible conflicts of interest, referral bonuses are not paid for job candidates referred by management officials or employees working in the Human Resources Department. Liveupx Private Limited reserves the right to deny bonus payments to any employee who improperly makes promises or assurances of employment to prospective or actual candidates, or otherwise engages in improper or inappropriate conduct related to this program or other workplace activities. The terms of this program are subject to review and revision.

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