Company sick leave policy


  1. Earning and Accumulating Sick Days

Sick leave shall be considered a benefit and privilege and not a right. Full time employees will receive full pay during incapacity caused by illness if sick leave is taken. Sick leave is earned at the rate of one day per month (12 days per year). There is no maximum accumulation of sick leave credits. Accumulated sick leave has no value except for the purpose granted, and in the event of retirement or separation, all unused sick leave shall be forfeited.

If an employee is in a paid status for one-half of the month or more, he or she will be credited with one day of sick leave for the month. Otherwise, the employee will not accrue any time for the month.

  1. General Sick Leave Rules and Procedures
  2. Use of Sick Leave - An employee may use sick leave allowance for absence due to the employee’s own illness or injury. Sick leave also may be used for appointments with a licensed doctor, dentist or recognized practitioners. When appropriate, a partial sick day may be used rather than a full day. Employees who become ill during the period of their vacation may request that their vacation be temporarily terminated and the time changed to sick leave. However, such request must be justified by means of a doctor’s statement upon return to work.  No employee may give or loan sick leave time to another employee.
  3. Documentation of Sick Leave - Employees are required to notify the employer as early as possible on the first day of their sick leave absence, and shall notify the employer in advance whenever the need for leave is foreseeable.  Employees shall document their use of paid sick leave on leave request forms provided by the Employer for this purpose. Such forms shall be completed by the employee and approved by the employer in advance of the leave when the need for sick leave is foreseeable, and in all other instances as soon as possible after the employee’s return to work.  An employee who claims sick leave may, at the discretion of the employer, be required to furnish a certificate from a physician stating that the employee was incapacitated from work for the period of absence as a result of sickness or injury, and that the employee is again physically able to perform his or her duties. 
  4. Exhaustion of Sick Leave - Employees who have used all of their accumulated sick leave will not receive financial compensation for additional days needed due to illness or injury. For any additional time needed, the employee will be considered on a leave without pay status unless the employee has accumulated vacation time or comp time remaining and the employee requests such leave.


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